Certamente non smanio, amo tutte le stagioni, ma il ciclico rinnovarsi della natura mi mette di buon umore.
Primavera, tempo di matrimoni e cieli azzurri tersi, nitidi, magari solcati da piccole nubi in lontananza. Quale ispirazione migliore può offrire il cielo?
Dopo una serie di illustrazioni dedicate alla notte ed alla luna, propongo il blu del pomeriggio, unito ad un oro ricco e prezioso. La sensazione fisiologica associata con il colore blu è dolcezza, quiete ed anche una sorta di positiva passività. L'oro impreziosisce la composizione, donando calore ed intimità.
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Blue love - mixed media 16,5 x 16,5 cm (6.4 x 6.4 inch) |
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Blue Love - Golden leaf part. |
Spring is upon us.
I certainly does not become crazy for spring, I love all seasons, but the cyclical renewal of nature puts me in a good mood. Spring, time for weddings and blue skies cloudless or crossed by small clouds in the distance. What better inspiration could offer the sky?
After a series of illustrations dedicated to the night and the moon, I propose the blue of the afternoon, combined with a rich and precious gold . The physiological sensation associated with the color blue is sweet, quiet and even a sort of positive passivity. The gold adorns the composition, giving warmth and intimacy.
A little curiosity on the combination blue-gold: following the military successes for the Liberation of the Holy Sepulcher through the Christian emperors the use of blue and gold was gradually released, with donations of feudal titles, with the insignia of the knights faithful to the nobility of the sword and the costumes and liveries of their servants, the banners of their palaces. What better approach, therefore, to celebrate the marriage as a lasting union?